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  • Browse quickly by category or simply use the search engine
  • Customize your search results by using our filters (e.g. product attributes, price, bestsellers, free shipping, domestic delivery, and more)

Why can't I find the product I want?Unfold

  • Try to enter a general description. The more keywords you use, the less products you will get in the results page. For example: 'kids dress' will get more results than 'kids dress for a 7-year-old girl'.

How do I find a specific seller?Unfold

  • 1. If you have bought products from a store before, you can check your previous orders and find back the seller in this way.
  • 2. If you know the store name, you can also look for this name and the keyword 'AliExpress' on a search engine such as Google. For example, if a store is called English "Julie's Store" then Google "Julie's Store AliExpress" and you will get the right link.
  • 3. If you know the store number, which always consists of 7 digits (for example: 1234567), then you can use the following URL: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/*** and replace the *** by the store number, for example: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1234567.

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  • Always check the seller’s rating and feedback scores.
  • Read other buyers' reviews.
  • Don't forget to check your country’s customs policy, and if you need to pay import duties.

How do I know if a seller is reliable?Unfold

  • Always check other buyers' reviews and the seller's ratings.canada goose kensington parka military green These can give you a good indication whether you are shopping from a reliable seller.

Placing Your Order

Once you have decided what to buy and you’re ready to place your order, don’t forget the following:

  • Check the product details, such as size, canada goose kensington parka military green order processing time, shipping time and costs.
  • To buy multiple items, add them to your cart first and then go to the checkout.
  • Contact the seller if you have any questions.

Do you ship to my country?Unfold

  • AliExpress is an online marketplace where you can find many sellers who offer worldwide shipping. To find out whether a seller ships to your country, you can:
  • 1. Look for a product on AliExpress.com and customize your search results by using the 'Ship to' filter, or
  • 2. Ask the seller via online chat.

How to place an order?Unfold

  • 1. Choose your favorite product and To place your order, click on a Product Photo or Product Name.
  • 2. Choose the specification you want (color, size, quantity) and click 'Buy Now'.
  • 3. Please enter the required information such as Delivery Address, if you want to add a new Delivery Address, click " Add a new address". If you want to edit a current Delivery Address, click 'Edit this address'.
  • 4. After confirming your order, you may continue the payment process by clicking "Place Order".

Creating an Account

If you’re new to AliExpress.com, you need to open an account before you can place your order. Make sure you:

  • Enter your email address correctly.
  • Do not use any special characters or accents such as: á, é, í, ó. For example, if your name is Anna López, please enter it as: Anna Lopez.
  • Add your house/apartment number to your mailing address.

Why can't I log in to my account?Unfold

  • Make sure that you have used the correct email address and password. If the problem still exists, please contact our 24-hour online customer service.

Why haven't I received my confirmation email?Unfold

  • 1. First check if the email is in your Junk or Spam folder.
  • 2. Also make sure that you didn't mistype your email address.
  • 3. If your are already logged in to your account, then check your current registered email address in your account settings, which you can find in My AliExpress.
  • 4. If you aren't logged in yet, try to log in with your email address and password.
  • 5. In case you forgot which email address you used for registration, you can contact our customer service team to check it for you.

At the Checkout

We have made making a payment on AliExpress.com simple and fast:

  • You can use worldwide payment methods like Visa, MasterCard, and Western Union.
  • Local payment methods such as Qiwi, Yandex.Money and Boleto are also available.
  • If you have any payment issues, our Customer Service team is always happy to help.

Why can't I make a payment?Unfold

  • If you encounter any payment issues, please contact our Customer Service team. They will be more than happy to help!

How do I make a payment?Unfold

  • After placing your order, you will get to see the available payment options on the checkout page. Select the one that you would like use and follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the payment.

Tracking Your Order

Once your package has been dispatched, you can follow it all the way to your doorstep! Here’s how:

  • Go to Order Details to find your tracking number.
  • Track the package directly on AliExpress.com, or go to tracking sites such as www.17track.net.
  • If there are any issues, please contact the seller immediately.
  • Only click the Confirm Goods Received button when you have the package in your hands and are satisfied with your purchase.
  • Refunds and returns can only be requested before your Buyer Protection ends. You can find the finish date and time in your Order Details.

Why can't I track my order?Unfold

  • 1. Some shipping companies take up to 10 days to update the tracking code. In very rare occasions, there are shipping companies that do not provide any tracking information. In these cases, you will find that the package status is "null" or "not found".
  • 2. If after 10 days there is still no tracking information available, please contact the seller. Please also make sure that you pay attention to the Purchase Protection period (which you can find in your Order Details). If you don't receive your order on time, you can open a dispute.

Why was my order shipped to another address?Unfold

  • To find out what went wrong, please contact the seller for more information, or open a dispute to apply for full refund. You can contact the seller in many different ways, find more information here.

Resolving Issues

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. We are here to help!

  • If you don't receive your package, or if your purchase is significantly different from the seller's product description, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute.
  • Negotiate with the seller first to settle the issue.
  • Open the dispute before your Purchase Protection ends. You can find the date and time in your order detail.
  • Make sure you check the seller’s proposal carefully (refund amount & return shipping fee) before agreeing.
  • If you were unable to settle the issue with the seller, you can escalate the dispute to AliExpress.
  • After escalating your dispute, please make sure you check your email regularly for updates.

Why can't I open a dispute?Unfold

  • 1. Please check your Order Details to see if there is still an Open Dispute button. Once your order has been completed (this means that you have either confirmed that you received your items, or the Purchase Protection Period has ended) you can no longer open a dispute. In this case, we advise you to contact the seller to resolve the issue.
  • 2. Disputes can only be opened 5 days after the seller has entered a tracking number.
  • 3. If you have clicked the Open Dispute button, but you still cannot a open dispute successfully, this might be for one of the following reasons: - You received this error message: 'Please enter English only'. This means that you can't use letters with accents, such as: á, é, í, ó, ú, ü. For example, if your name is Anná, you should write it as Anna. - If you try to upload an attachment, please make sure the attachment is in jpeg (jpg), gif, or png and it's not bigger than 2MB. - If you clicked the Open Dispute button but nothing happened, please try to use another browser or clear cookies.

What will happen after I have opened a dispute?Unfold

  • 1. If the seller approves your request, or he neither approves nor rejects it within 5 days, the system will process your refund automatically. You will receive your refund within 3-15 working days.
  • 2. If the seller reject your request, you may either choose to continue negotiations or escalate the dispute to AliExpress.
  • 3. If your dispute is escalated but you have not received an update for 5 working days, please contact our customer service team.

How can I escalate a dispute?Unfold

  • Sign in to My AliExpress > go to My Orders > find the order for which you opened a dispute > click View Details > click the button Escalate Dispute.